Mikai's Conference

So, a little more about about my last post before I get into a brag session about my son. 
I can't tell you how much it makes me, or any mother in her right mind, angry when my son comes home from school with a heavy heart and by the end of the night has confessed that he raced to play four square and another boy got mad that he beat him there, he shoved Mikai, calling him an "F" word, or "MF" word to be exact.  I'll tell you something...inhaling deeply.... I wish I could say something a little more encouraging than "Son, you will deal with people like this throughout life and there is nothing that I can do or say to protect you from it."  I think the very least we can do is to sign him up for some sort of martial arts class to toughen him up a little bit, but also so he feels more prepared to handle conflict- especially with a fourth grader. Sumit came down to the school in the morning a few days later and saw that kid, who denied anything, and sent him with a warning that Mikai and his friends were his "boys" and that seemed enough to get him a notch up the social ladder at Neely O' Brien Elementary. 

On a more positive note, Mikai's Fall conference went extremely well.  His marks across the board were much higher than average and he is just the most beautiful wonderful boy, a pleasure to have in class.   Ahhhhh, these are the times when you realize, you are doing some things right :o)

Be Kind,

