Cinnamon sugar pretzels

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels
16oz. Pretzel Bag
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/2 Cup Sugar
2 Tsp Cinnamon
The Finished Product! Recipe Included :o)

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.  Pour pretzels into roasting pan.  Mix together oil, cinnamon and sugar.  Pour over pretzels to coat.  Bake 30 minutes, stirring twice while it cooks. NomNom
I came across this Pinterest idea... and thought, that is so simple even I can do that! Sure enough I chose to bring a few new desserts to the table on Thanksgiving this year! If I could have done anything different it would have been to make the Smores' Check Mix the night before/morning of so it had a chance to dry. It was still enjoyed anyway :o)


While it baked I decorate some sour cream tubs for easy distribution to friends and family.  Easy, Fast, Disposable containers with Duct tape!

Recipe for Smores' Chex Mix
4 cups of Corn Chex
5 cups of Golden Grahams
1/4 cup unsalted butter
2 cups of milk chocolate chips
mini marshmallows
2 cups powdered sugar
  1. On a cookie sheet, measure out the Golden Grahams and Corn Chex cereals.
  2. Combine the butter, 1 cup of milk chocolate chips, and 3/4 cup mini marshmallow in a bowl.
  3.  Microwave slowly, and mixing every 20 seconds until the ingredients are melted together.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate mixture onto the cereals. Gently mix to coat. Sift the powdered sugar in small batches mixing well.
  5. Once the coated cereals have cooled, mix in the remaining mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.

Like I said, I would have prepared this ahead of time, just so it can really cool down.  It was also very messy and would be easier to mess up my own kitchen rather than bringing ingredients to someones house and making a mess there!  But I was able to enlist some little helpers, and that is always fun for them :)  All and all a very happy Thanksgiving indeed!
Be Kind,
