Post Easter

The biggest Tale I could ever tell is the one about my very special gift, given from God over 7 years ago... my son Mikai.  I began this quest to try and raise a strong, healthy, smart, and loving boy that was placed into my life at just the most perfect moment in time. 
Here is one of our stories      :-) :-)

Now, since I have a young son, know that he requires a lot of time and energy.... and so let that be testimony to the fact that my Easter pictures are BARELY going up!!  I really wanted to dye eggs this year because I always remembered doing that growing up and remembered how fun it was, Mikai was super excited to see what it was all about because he didn't get to help much last year because it can be really messy :o) but I'm proud to say he was so excellent at it this year! And so, me and the boy went to Safeway and bought 2 dozen eggs and a scarce box of dye all in the holiday spirit.  It's times like that he seems to appreciate and have the most fun even though this was a $5 project.  So here's how it went...

Trying to keep clean!

Saved a ton of spills.

Did them all by himself :-)

A few casualties but so AWESOME!

So all in all the project was a huge success!! Mikai was so delighted and very proud of his work!   We hid these eggs along with plastic eggs with jelly beans and Hershey kisses, as we spent the afternoon with family.  I am also very proud to say my deviled eggs (made from the dyed eggs) were a hit and didn't go to waste!

Mikai says he'll remind me to buy the special cups for the dye next year as I had to scramble to find some that would work...  He never forgets anything so I know he's good for it ;)


Love, Ashley and Mikai
